Sunday, January 29, 2012

Famous People and Their Majors

Did you ever wonder where some of the most accomplished figures in American society went to college and what they studied?  Think your major has to relate directly to a specific career?

In the case of some famous people, their majors come as no surprise.  Take Joe Biden, Tina Fey, and Madonna for example.  Joe Biden graduated from the University of Delaware with a degree in Political Science.  Tina Fey graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in drama.  Madonna attended the University of Michigan on a dance scholarship (although she left to pursue her career before graduating).

Will Shortz, crossword puzzle editor for the New York Times, took this to the extreme.  He is the only person ever to graduate with a degree in Enigmatology  (the study of puzzles).  He designed his own major through Indiana University’s individualized major program.

Most people’s majors, however, don’t correlate directly to their current careers. And famous people are no exception.

Joe Paterno majored in English at Brown University.  At one point, he planned on becoming a lawyer.  When he accepted his first job as a football coach instead, his father wondered what he went to college for!

Bob Barker received a degree in Economics from Drury College (now University).  Maybe that’s what got him the gig on “The Price is Right”!

Katie Couric graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in American Studies.  The first woman to solo anchor an evening news show on a major network did NOT study broadcasting or journalism!

Chad Meredith Hurley, co-founder and CEO of YouTube, graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a degree in Fine Art.  In 2006, he sold YouTube to Google for $1.65 billion.

Going to college is the beginning of a journey -- one that should not only provide you with an education, but broaden your horizons, develop your skills, teach you how to learn, expose you to new ideas, introduce you to different kinds of people, and provide avenues for self-discovery.

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